Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Juan Ramirez Ruiz

Juan, who prefers to be called “Juanito”, grew up on a ranch in a rural area of Oaxaca. His parents had lots of children but very little money. When he was still a boy, it was discovered that Juanito had Muscular Dystrophy. In Juanito’s mind, he was as hopeless as his disease, and eventually became a drug and alcohol addict. While living on the streets, God sent a pastor to share the love of Jesus with Juanito. When Juanito met Jesus Christ, his life changed forever. The addictions were broken and hope filled Juanito’s heart. Instead of taking his life, his disease went into remission. Juanito found new purpose as he discovered his gift of sharing Jesus with everybody he met. He later attended Bible school and graduated at the top of his class. Agape Missions, seeing Juanito’s passion to see others grow in their faith, his giftings as a Bible teacher, and his rural indigenous background, uniquely suited him to an effective minister to the indigenous pastors of Oaxaca.
Juanito recently married Leticia and together they minister to prisoners, invalids, the handicapped, and the poorest of the poor. They are currently working on planting a church in Oaxaca and teaching at our conferences in Lachiguiri.

1 comment:

Jaz said...

The goal of a drug and alcohol intervention is to help the individual acknowledge their behavior and recognize that they need professional help.